Thursday, May 2, 2013

Trying to keep a smile on my face....

I haven't blogged in a few days and I am sorry about that. My medicine really hasn't been doing its job and it's getting so hard to separate the voices in my head from the voices in the real world. I am doing everything to push through and keep positive despite what my voices are saying. I think I have been doing a pretty good job, but like anything else, they push long enough and it will wear you down. What makes it worse is that when I hear the voices it affects my anxiety as well. It's like they butt heads with wanting to be the more dominant problem. I'm finding myself trying to be more positive and more helpful during class hours. Its wears me out, I just wish it made me more tired at night, instead of just mentally and emotionally draining me. I have been using my coping skills (working out, breathing techniques, ripping up paper, listening to inspiring music{in hopes of drowning out the voices, studying, etc.)but nothing seems to help as much as I need it to. I just have to keep telling myself...ONE DAY AT A's the same with any issue I might run into (cutting or drugs). Well I have said enough for now. I hope you all have a great day! *D*